example of bible study: observation, interpretation application

THE THREE COMPONENTS Joshua Notice how Jesus observes the Old Testament text in verse 42, interprets it in verse 44, and applies it in verse 43 (implying that his listeners should believe the truth and make some changes in their lives). He now teaches two courses: "Bible Study" and "Advanced Bible Study." "All of my courses are built on the basic pattern of observation, interpretation, application and correlation (or . EP !HOz As someone has blunted phrased it "Interpretation without application is abortion.". 1 Timothy To which he responded "Yes, she translated the Bible into her life, and was the most powerful translation I've ever seen!" You too can try and prove God's wonder-working precious and magnificent promises that provide everything needed for life and godliness -- but only if you seek to apply them to your life. Step 3: ApplicationWhat will I do about what the passage says and means? To know and not to do is not to know at all. What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Not to make us smarter sinners It is still as true today as when Martin Luther first said it that The world does not need a definition of religion as much as it needs a demonstration.. Are we spiritual or are we natural? An Example of Interpretation Revelation 13:1-10. Make them your own. Overview of Inductive Study with Observation Worksheet and example of how to mark a page, Click for Introduction to Inductive Bible Study using PowerPoint (2002), The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It - see page 30, Skip Heitzig How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It, Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics, Chicago Statement on Biblical Application. Nevertheless our duty is clear. All four of the Gospels begin differently, but they all come together at the baptism. 3 John (Mt 7:13, 14+). Our first duty is to meditate. For example, in a court of law, jurors are asked to reach a verdict based on the evidence presented to them. Scripture interprets Scripture. Logos can be an incredible resource as you seek to make this a part of your daily routine. The Word is both a glass to show us the spots of our soul and a laver to wash them away. One of the best ways to study the Bible is through "inductive" study. (How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It - see page 30). A pericope is a section of the text that forms a complete thought. Saturate the study of Scripture with prayer. Ask yourself the five Ws and H: Its critical at this stage not to add anything to the text or take anything away. 1 Kings When words or passages make an impression on you, stop and meditate on what God has shown you or as the great preacher C H Spurgeon advised Read the Bible carefully, (Jas 4:17+, cp Lk 12:47, 48+, Jn 9:41). Application of God's Word will not always be "pain free", but it will always be profitable. The more work you do during this part of your study, the better you will do in the rest. Now that youve come up with questions, its time to do research. Would you like to give your time to work with Cru? He had the "truth" but never acted upon it. The inductive study process involves three steps: observation, interpretation and application. Feed on them with joy" In many ways, observation is the base of the Bible study pyramid. But to make us more like our Savior. But for your study time, its helpful to use them as secondary sources after youve done some preliminary work. Some passages will not have a clear application. Have I overlooked anything or made any assumptions? P Is there a Prayer to pray or a Priority to change? If there is a command to be obeyed, we obey it. Try (Ed: in the sense of to test or examine) what you hear; try what you profess; try what you read. endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream If you do not this, you are reading to your own condemnation. (1Ti 4:8+, 1Ti 4:9, 10+). But you may know that Luke and Matthew begin with Jesus birth story. A lot of people have all sorts of news. We dont study the Bible just to gain knowledge. This book walks through each of the three steps of the inductive method paying particular attention to historical, literary, and theological elements that come into play at each stage. (Lk 11:28+, cp Jn 13:17), D. L. Moody quipped that "Our great problem is the problem of trafficking in unlived truth. Be careful not to simply amass the kind of knowledge that puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1). Okay, so what is inductive Bible study, exactly? Thus, we are called and encouraged to new labour in prayer, whilst we have a new example in Him Who prayed, and wept, and bled. In the third chapter, Matthew tells us about Jesus baptism by John. Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs. is the result of Your goal in observation is to notice as much as possible. In Observation and Interpretation we study God's Word, but in Application, God's Word "studies" us! It is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The following books are a great place to learn more about this simple methodology: Kay Arthurs inductive method has helped millions of people learn how to study the Bible for themselves. Bible study is about digging into the text and pulling out insights. Both of these; What is the key to applying the Bible to my life? This speak of a personal choice that must be made) any man is willing (thelo = desires, wishes, delights [cp Ps 1:2-note], takes pleasure, is inclined to; the present tense - speaks of one's general direction of their life) to do (present tense - again speaks of one's general habit of practice = toward obedience not toward disobedience) His will, he shall know (ginosko = speaks not just of "head" knowing but of an experiential knowledge, a more intimate knowledge) of the teaching (didache - word study), whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself. The third rule for our guide should be Read And Apply. Nahum For example, Psalm 24 says, "The Lord owns the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live in it. <<6970513041DCB34C825DECB3781DD654>]/Prev 490707>> Erroneous interpretation can lead to aberrant application. Some sections make much more sense if you read them within the context of the surrounding chapters, like Matthew 23-25 or 1 Corinthians 12-14. Every time we encounter spiritual truth, we need to seek to apply that truth to our lives. The questions that might come out of your observations about Mark might include: Why does Mark not include the Christmas story in the beginning? Step 2: InterpretationWhat does the passage mean? Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology is additionally useful. When Dr. Houghton became pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle in Atlanta, a man in that city hired a private detective to follow Dr. Houghton and report on his conduct. View our top Cru resources in more than 20 languages. Mark Once you think youve done all you can here, its time to move on to the final phase: application. Application takes place as you are confronted with the truth and you respond to that truth in obedience (in faith). In observation, you were asking the question, What did I see? In interpretation, you ask, What does it mean? If you have not done a thorough job in the exploration phase, the interpretation phase can be difficult. There is always something new to uncover in the Bible. Christian author Jerry Bridges reminds us that. Memorization is the first step to meditation. Each book is usually read 4 - 5 times, and with each step you are given a new tool for uncovering revelation within the pages. Equipping families with practical approaches to parenting and marriage. Exodus Think of it as an appointment that you do not want to miss. Internship opportunities with Cru's ministries. The Bible helps you understand God and His relationship with humanity. R4`:|ut\#jDAh]Y1]|{ >^*8"I+ +N-rjiSS-Q*c9eF,xyV]%^p]=dG- J&naSP (Ezekiel 33:31), Hearing and not heeding the word is as foolish as cooking an expensive filet mignon and then not sitting down to eat it! Inductive Bible study is one reliable way. Read about individuals who have been transformed by faith. Take care, nonetheless, to seek for the application of precepts. And what thou readest well, thou canst not too well understand; O/uE 4l"iI.l#e \c@pZFi7lq?3@hv?7 Il` How about Son of God"? Why are we deluded in this way? and how much we really believe what we have observed. Don't be deceived thinking that going to Precept inductive Bible study will make you more spiritual. Application begins with belief Sometimes there will be figurative language and confusing imagery, but dont start by looking for hidden meaning. Develop your leadership skills and learn how to launch a ministry wherever you are. 0 :L Song of Solomon Of course, there are a few steps involved during each of these components. ", James warned that "to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin." This is the ultimate step: we submit to Scripture and let it transform our lives. He alone is in a posture to learn from God, who sincerely gives up (surrenders, yields) his mind, conscience, and affections to the power and rule of what is revealed unto him. When you take a book like Romans one piece at a time, you can miss the forest for the trees. Don't be like the man who boasted "I go through the entire Bible once every year".Application instead confronts us face to face with the question "How many times has the Bible gone through you?" John kicks off with some critical theological points and then immediately launches into the baptism too. Home Learn the basics of what Christians believe. Obadiah 2 John Our Lord taught that those who are, blessed (makarios [word study]) are those who hear the word of God and observe (phulasso [word study]) it. Use this guide to help you lead your small group to encounter Jesus through the three main parts of an inductive Bible study: Observation, Interpretation, Application. (Skip Heitzig How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It), Puritan Thomas Manton adds that "What we take in by the Word we digest by meditation and let out by prayer.". P Is there a Promise to believe or condition to meet in order to partake of the promise? (John Calvin), Gods Word can only produce growth in soil "fertilized" by obedience. This is a motivating truth that you can trust and which you should welcome and willingly acknowledge. THE ERROR IN THE "FORK" IN THE ROAD Inductive Bible Study is an ideal textbook for courses in biblical interpretation, and for anyone who desires to better understand and teach Scripture. Goldsmiths keep bottles of acid by which they test everything that is offered them for sale, whether it is gold or merely tinsel, and the Christian should keep Gods word near at hand and treasured in the soul, to test thereby all that he hears. If you read, He that believeth on him is not condemned, if you believe not then you are condemned already, because you have not believed in the Son of God. Application is where the proverbial "rubber meets the road", where our walk either does or does not back up our talk and where head knowledge becomes heart knowledge. never loses his sense of direction. The mind delights in having the truth presented clearly; the imagination is gratified by its illustration; the feelings are stirred by its application. Inductive Bible Study - Observation Inductive Bible Study - Interpretation Inductive Bible Study - Application Simple Study on the Power of God's Word Authority of God's Word - study on 2Timothy 3:16-17 Ezra 7:10 - Exposition of the "Ezra 7:10 Principle" Job's "Secret" of perseverance? Interpretation should build on observation and then lead into interpretation. But if this conforming of their own souls unto the power of the Word be not fixed in the first place in their minds they do not strive lawfully, nor will they be crowned (!). There should never be a time when we go to the Scriptures without allowing them to change our lives for the better. ", D. L. Moody - "I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible.". yUew.7.J~rr9xn-j3Pv_Kp>.ow?oo^>]xgOqI| JSM.OQF=r%0'c[',(d2`\gNHbqsO&&#v>b[Wg7xr|*M R The more time and intentionality you put into understanding Gods Word, the more treasures you discover. This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an. In truth thou canst not read the Scriptures too much; You have remained in right site to start getting this info. Grasp these sweet promises. Good Bible study does not happen by accident. There really arent any wrong questions, and sometimes what seems like a silly question can reveal critical insights. The old saying regarding application is true that the same Word that afflicts the comfortable, also provides comfort for the afflicted! Lay hold on the Bible until the Bible lays hold on you. But the bee would light on a flower and it would sink down deep into the flower and it would extract all the nectar and pollen that it could carry. (Josh 1:8-note). ), Christian author Jerry Bridges writes that "As we search the Scriptures, we must allow them to search us, to sit in judgment upon our character and conduct. To go on gaining an intellectual knowledge of the Bible without obeying it can be a trap instead of a blessing. The ideal combination is to read the word and then heed it expeditiously and implicitly. John Blanchard underscores the crucial discipline of applying God's Word sounding the caution that "There is more to Christian growth than knowing what the Bible says; nobody is ever nourished by memorizing menus.". Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams." This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night (this is the parallel of observation and interpretation), so that you may be careful to do (the application) according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success (the blessing of proper application). Another addition to a lot of Bibles is a subheading before many passages or chapters. But our toil He doth richly repay; Part of this work is active: Youre wrestling with the text and learning to understand it. 119:160). Inductive Bible study draws its conclusions from the text, not our assumptions. HWM5q0^5 !EJ8`vC ! What does this passage teach that is still as true today as it was when it was written? Ask God that his threats may drive you out of your sins, and drive you to seek pardon in Christ. As we search the Scriptures, we must allow them to search us, to sit in judgement upon our character and conduct. If youre not careful, theyll do all the work of observation and interpretation for you. Leading from values so others will walk passionately with God to grow and bear fruit. Memorizing God's Word - Why? For he set its foundation upon the seas, and established it upon the ocean currents. Or well walk by His side in the way. He will be inquired of by us. There are several reasons for this . Some seem as if they read the Bible in order to know how not to do, and the more God commands the more they will not obey. Edward Louie (2011) The phrase "Bible study" can mean different things to different people. This method makes observations on a passage of Scripture and then draws conclusions based on those observations. 10 Questions the Internet Is Asking about the KJV. Here are a few questions you can ask: There are a few essential rules to remember when attempting to interpret a passage: Make sure you spend a good chunk of time with this phase. Is your heart conditioned to listen and obey? The first verse of Mark youve been studying does not have immediate actionable teachings, but you still need to be open to the Holy Spirit moving as you study. Cults use the Bible to try to prove views they already have. Why Are There Lament Psalms at the End of the Psalter? to which the context answers) for (every time you see a "for" at the beginning of a sentence pause and ponder why it's there and remember you can usually substitute the word "because" in place of "for" to help understand the meaning) Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. Maybe youre reading Matthew 5:13: You are the salt of the earth. As mentioned earlier, its easy to become dependent on them. That's a frightening statement! Then when you read descriptions of the human heart, and the fall, the corruption, and the depravity of our nature, look, and see yourselves as in a looking glass, and say of each man as you hear of his sin, I am such a man as this was, and if I do not fall into precisely the same sin, yet the possibility and peril of it is in my heart, and I should do so, but for Gods restraining grace. Take the very histories home to your heart, and find a point in them, either of encouragement or of warning for yourselves. Too often we come to Gods Word to study it, to teach it, etcto do everything in the world with it except be changed by it! Refrain But this is exactly what happens when we fail to apply what we have observed and interpreted. Habakkuk A single revealed fact cherished in the heart and acted upon is more vital to our growth than a head filled with lofty ideas about God. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application through the Lenses of History, Literature, and Theology (9781433684142) by Richard Alan Fuhr Jr., Andreas J. Kostenberger The Power of Accurate Observation In Bible Study By Anna Wishart 07/31/2017 Details Bring Meaning God's Word has a lot to communicate. Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. So before we can apply the truth as God intended, we need to be certain that our interpretation is accurate, which in turn hinges on careful observation. Look at Matthew 21:42-44 as an example. If our interpretation is accurate, we at least have the potential to apply the truth appropriately. The word of God reveals to us our true selves. When the attitude of our heart reflects a readiness to hear and respond, the text of the Bible comes alive. Then you could go back and look at how the other Gospels start: Matthew begins by giving us Jesus genealogy and then gives us a little glimpse into His birth. Have some fun taking various quizzes and assessments to learn about yourself and others. Acronym to Aid Application. Inductive Bible Study. It might be tempting to stop at the interpretation phase, but youll be selling yourself and Scripture short if you do. The records of human need and Divine generosity are not far-fetched ; they answer to our own case. No, even though the town of Bethlehem was only only five miles down the road from Jerusalem. He never reads the book, but he reads the disciple of Christ, and he judges the Christian religion, by the lives of its professors. If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. endstream endobj 64 0 obj <>>> endobj 65 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <>stream This is always a powerful application of Scripture. How do we apply what we just learned to everyday life? ", Oswald Chambers in his typical "no nonsense" style reminds us that"One step forward in obedience is worth years of study about it", We have to be careful not to deceive ourselves. One of the best things about studying Gods Word is that you can come back to a book youve already studied in the past and discover all-new insights. HhT=k&^-l (6WBbN~WPe4`!Mr`+^p!MO,LP/_n]aFBcp) Take the next step in your faith journey with resources on prayer, devotionals and other tools for personal and spiritual growth. What was the result in his life and by way of application what will be the result in our life if we emulate his example? We all need to ask ourselves are we studying the Word that we might be more like Jesus or more like the Pharisees? His Word from day to day, Once you have explored the passage, its time to make some connections. in my dealings with the world ? The tireless runner is a picture of what Application should look like in each of our livessobrethren, beloved of God, chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world for so great a salvation, filled with His Spirit and controlled by the love of Christ "let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith" (He 12:1-note, He 12:2-note) pressing "on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Php 3:14-note) disciplining ourselves "for the purpose of godliness for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." And while pastors and teachers are wonderful, individual Christians should also be able to pick up any passage and read it with basic understanding and application. The person who knows the truth but doesn't act on it is not simply making a mistake or showing poor judgment but he is in sin. Some people say they cannot meditate; they do not know what it means, or they have no time, or they go to sleep when they begin. There are a lot of excellent study Bibles available. 2. Connect: What is God saying (that is always true or that is true to all readers in all settings)? A key discipline for good study is not to be too quick to fall back on what you think you know. To pick up the thread of Pauls argument, you need to go back and catch up. However, interpretation can also involve separate actions or steps beyond merely observing the immediate text. Avoid the temptation to try to make the text mean anything just yet. It is full of instances of prayer; it supplies us with those thoughts about God which stimulate our faith to approach Him expectantly, earnestly, confidently. It is thework of applying something (I like that -- it make take a little "holy sweat" to apply what we have learned, but it is worth the effort exerted! But one who looks intently (a picture of the man who meditates -- puritan Richard Baxter said "There must be inward practice by meditation and outward practice in true obedience.") 0 (MacDonald, W & Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson). Every precept in Scripture may be turned into prayer, and every promise into praise. When we have read the Bible, many passages may become "overfamiliar." We think that we know what they say and cease . ), A T Pierson said that "While other books inform, and some few reform, this one book transforms. We must adjust ourselves to the Bible The observation phase was all about observing what the text says, but the interpretation phase is the next step. This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. Then you might turn your attention to verses 18 in the first chapter. Reaching students and faculty in middle and high school. How we seek to journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus. John two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- It comes from knowing more about the Bible and applying it to our spiritual needs. When God got his attention, Samuel responded appropriately: "Speak, for Your servant hears" (1 Sa 3:10). Now that you have your list of observations, you can wrestle with the questions that arise from them and the things that youve seen. Believe it to be safe If the Bible seems dry and unexciting, check your attitude (Ed: Also do some personal inventory with 1 Pe 2:1+and then you'll be able to move on to 1 Pe 2:2+!). eg'1{(yzJ*| Otherwise, its easy to become dependent on them. Are for them who will trust and obey. hb```vV^af`B@#g|3h Writing it down helps to remind you of God's consistent revelation and reinforces the truth He conveys to your heart. Sometimes its beneficial to ignore them and consider other ways you might divide the text. What distinguishes observation, interpretation, and application? Here are 14 important reasons to read it. If there is a warning to be followed, we heed it. Can abide while we trust and obey. The writer of Psalm 119+ (virtually every verse of which deals with some aspect of God's holy Word) speaks to the importance of one's attitude that should undergird and stimulate right and ready application of truth gleaned Princes persecute me without cause, but (what's being contrasted?) -EO{0iB d("o? A Silly yet Serious The bottom-line question to ask is, How do the divine truths and principles contained in any passage apply to me in terms of my attitude and actions? Jesus made this promise to those who would carry their personal Bible study through to this point: If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them (John 13:17, cp Jn 15:14, 14:15, Lk 11:28, Jas 1:22+, Jas 1:25+, Rev 1:3+) Bible study is not complete until we ask ourselves, What does this mean for my life and how can I practically apply it? We must take the knowledge we have gained from our reading and interpretation and draw out the practical principles that apply to our personal lives. Bible studies include workbooks that help connect you to the ideas of Bible texts. Also we become more responsible to God. Start with the obvious.

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